A group of citizens from Mijas/Miha gathered together who try to create, organise, put into practice and transform this towns peoples dreams and concerns into reality.
********** WHAT IS ALTERNATIVA MIJEÑA / Artehnatiba Miheña ?
- It is a lay, transformer left-wing party and mostly a Mihenian feeling.
- We work via participation committees, where everyone, without exclusion, expresses and shares their ideas and initiatives, pleading for everybodys respect.
- We reject the figure of professional politicians.
********** OUR SYMBOLS - Carob-tree: Native tree, which represents the roots, strength and our sensibility with nature. - Red star: The symbol of people and, therefore, of the left wing. - Andalusian flag (Arbonaira): Because although it might not seem like it, we are in Andalusia and we are Andalusian despite obstacles, discualifications and critics that are made to us in order to stop us from developing neither this feeling nor our culture. WHY DOES ALTERNATIVA MIJEÑA COME FORTH?
- Making the popular saying valid the union makes the strength, we have decided to create a structure capable of gathering and developing ideas, desires and propositions for Mijas Municipality. - Because of the disillusionment and disenchantment with the politics carried out by the government and the non-existence of an opposition, knowing the multiple possibilities Mijas has and its variety of people. - We want the people to be its own spokesman. - And of course, because we are from here (both native people and integrated foreigners), who know the day to day of all the Mihenian Municipality, that feel and it hurts us everything regarded to this land.
- Affiliating. - Participating in assemblies or workshops. - Sharing concerns, propositions... - Helping with any kind of contribution.
Yours sincerely
We propose your participation to create among all of us a living town
La Tahka (seat) Barrio Santana, 10 29650 Miha / Mijas